Scoil Mhuire was founded in 1975. On the first day, there were 600 children on roll from Junior Infants to Sixth Class in 25 classes. To our knowledge, it was the first large co-ed school in an urban area in the country. The school continued to grow quickly and for the following year, 1976 the projected enrolment was c.700. It was necessary to divide the school into Junior and Senior in line with the policy of the Department of Education to limit new primary schools to 16 classes. The school at present caters to children from 3rd to 6th class. The total enrolment is c.430. There are usually four classes at each level. The children in 6th class experience teaching by at least three teachers and this has proved an invaluable help to children in the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Currently sixteen class teachers, nine Special Education Teachers (SET), and a specific teacher for the ASD classwork in the school. The school has a Home/School/Community Liaison Teacher and a School Completion Programme Project worker. There are seven Special Needs Assistants. The ancillary staff consists of a full-time secretary, a full-time caretaker.
Mrs. Clíona Galvin is the Administrative Principal.
With the co-operation and enthusiasm of teachers and parents, we purchased and developed our own playing fields and built dressing rooms. Recently a superb 400m oval all-weather running track has been built around the playing field.
Over the years the boys and girls of the school have won county Championships at different age levels in Gaelic Football, Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, Basketball, Athletics, and Quizzes. The Spike ball and Volleyball teams have played in the All Ireland finals. In Drama, the school has won both the National Children’s Theatre Competition and Comórtas Scoildramaíochta on a number of occasions. Our choirs have contributed to many liturgical services and have also performed at many concerts.
The school crest was designed by Joan Yourell, one of our former teachers. The circular shape and the circles within circles depict continuity and unity. The centerpiece is a drawing of the late Fr. Flanagan’s statue. Muire Máthair. The four components of a complete education i.e. spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical development are represented by the Holy Spirit, the book and pen, the hands, and the human body, respectively. The intermittent olive branches in the dividing sections symbolise the harmony and unity among the four components.
The motto of the school is – Per corpus mentemque ad Deum – Through mind and body to God.
We welcome the involvement of parents, working in conjunction with the school, in their children’s education. Early in the school year, a general meeting of parents is held in order that we foster relationships and work as a team for the children’s benefit. Then, in the second term, the teachers meet with the parents on an individual basis in order to discuss their children’s progress. Parents may make an appointment with individual teachers by prior arrangement at any time during the school year. Teachers also may have an occasion to request a meeting with a parent. Please respond and call to see the teacher as soon as possible. It is important to give advance notice to the teacher in order that the class may be given work for the duration of your visit.
We are always very open and receptive to new ideas, suggestions, and initiatives. We are lucky to have very active supportive parents. The school’s Parents Association is well established.
Extra curricular activities include football, hurling, camógie, basketball, volleyball, spike ball, soccer, tag football, choir, drama, school shows, quizzes, school tours, trips, sales of work, carol singing, and other fundraising activities for charities.
The children are encouraged on an ongoing basis to be litter conscious, to have a responsible attitude towards natural resources e.g. the use of recycled materials, and to help to improve the quality of life by preventing vandalism, pollution, etc……Our school has been awarded a number of Green Flags and we have a very active Green School’s committee.
Break time physical activities are organised and each child takes part in completing the daily mile. The school has been awarded the Active School Flag.
The school has joined a very select number of schools by being recognised as a Digital School of Distinction.
The school grounds which are private are out of bounds outside school hours, on weekdays, at weekends, and all school closures, except for those involved in properly supervised activities.
The school is protected by C.C.T.V. surveillance, security lighting, and alarm systems
Owing to the inadequacy of the grants from the Department of Education and Skills, it is necessary to have fundraising events during the year. We endeavor to limit fundraising to one major event each year. The school management would like to extend its thanks to the school staff and children – for their very active participation in fundraising work and to you the present parents for your generous support of these activities. As a result, we have a very well-equipped school.
Thank you for reading this information. We look forward to working with you to help your child reach his / her full potential.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.